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Vanity Bags For Girls And Young Women
This service provides #UnderHer Vanity Bags free of charge to the women and girls in our community who need them most. These bags consist of basic feminine hygiene care products, an official #UnderHer pocket calendar to track menstrual cycles
Her Street Support
The Street Support Movement is a grassroots, community outreach initiative serving our homeless and transient community. In addition to providing resource lists on the streets with community members and volunteers, we supply homeless young women and girls with a free snack pack and #UnderHer’s “Vanity Bag” feminine hygiene pack.
Her Voice
Our mentoring and youth leadership development program was created for students in schools that need extra support, encouragement and “Big Sister” mentors. Our vetted mentors deliver hands-on support and assist young girls with the education and empowerment they need. Our aim is to help girls find their inner strength, embrace their unique personalities, and shine. We also make it known that our Big Sisters can always be considered a lending hand in times of dire need. At UnderHer, we take the time to understand each situation personally and provide the required materials and moral support for our young girls and working families.
Her Shelter Our Shelter
Through our Shelter program, we support local homeless shelters and centers for women and families in transition in the community by supplying them with feminine hygiene supplies and bras on a quarterly basis.
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